I sold the Xmixes in DDR�X short. Though I�appreciated the nod to the Dancemania days that most of the Xmixes are, Xmix 5 (Overcrush) is way different and really awesome. A 15, it consists of on the bounce, On The Break, Saber Wing (Akira Ishihara Headshot Mix), Horatio, Trigger, Pluto Relinquish and Pluto. Seamless transitions from one song to the next and featuring some of the best parts of each songapos;s respective Expert chart. 1003 Max Combo. Holy crackers, gurreat joub Konami And I mean it this time, gureat joub. I have a feeling though that due to the songs contained in the Xmixes, they wonapos;t be in any other version of DDR�X, at least not as they are now. Maybe theyapos;ll find their way into the AC and/or JP CS releases with other songs in place of the ones that are DDR�X�US�only.
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