Dear friends who play guitar,
Iapos;m planning to teach myself how to play one of the few sets of instruments Iapos;ve never touched before in my life and could use a few pointers before I even start. :D
My mother has two guitars, one she loves and the other is some kind of leet and expensive instrument she loves a little less but wouldnapos;t mind selling (for well into the four figure range). I was planning to buy one for myself tomorrow, or at least browse the range, when it occurs to me that maybe I can borrow one of mumapos;s, but she thinks it would be a bad idea for me to pick up steel strings right off the bat.
Is this true? I fully expect to be in some discomfort with my incredibly soft hands, so should I wuss out and find a cheap nylon guitar instead? Iapos;d rather buy something decent enough to both learn on and keep for years instead of a nub piece of crap I throw away in a year.
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