I am going through my old little notebooks that are full or random junk and I want to get rid of the used pages so Iapos;m going to put a bunch of the odd quotes I found there onto here. Aight aight.
I have no idea where these come from or what it has to do with anything but I wrote it for some reason..
("I want some BBQ-"
"Iapos;m hungry... And I want a lottery ticket")
Below it is written, Last train home.. I remember hearing that song then asking Kyte who sung it, I must of not been on my computer I think I was just laying and lazy or bad feeling.
[On the last page which is now got a bunch of lame drawings i put over time on it, it had some notes I took from Philosophy with Justin and its on the speech of Plato Phaedo. It talks about how suicide is foolish because one never has or could learn all that there is to learn. Also that it is hurtful to others even god and in the case of a slave, that also hurts the slaves owner and such. Plus that it harms others because you donapos;t share your knowledge and spread it to others.]
(Whys the sky so red tonight)
Obviously that was some random start of a bad poem since it was going nowhere and just came from nothing I can remember.)
Iapos;ve decided now to pull out ones that have some slight poetry to them or song feeling or story idea to them and collect them up and just put them together.
I just found a quite kinda complete short poem song that is kinda megadeth like sounding to me now that I read it, I remember writing it but I canapos;t remember the actual tone to it which hurts allot of what I write I realized when I go back to them.
I found a idea that relates to things from a story of mine, it would take allot of explaining to mention it though. I know what it is exactly Iapos;m trying to say, even though I can hardly read my pencil writing and it was written quickly with the thoughts in my mind.
I came upon a page with crazy idea written at the top... Itapos;s some kind of story idea with a writer creating a world and somehow in his mind when he seeapos;s what is written is changing and somehow is able to go into the world and fix things but idk gets stuck or something Idk where I was going with it to much, but kind of trying to control the inconsistent.
Hmm thereapos;s some serious thing written here, but thereapos;s a bit of it which Iapos;m not into wanting to read right now.
I hit a bunch of dreams now and i will end for now.. For now
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