воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

ball ink mania slingers tattoo

Sometimes i wish i could just disconnect.. That i could simply leave it all for a while, until i am back to "normal"...

i wish that i could just leave it all right now, that i could just forget how awful i felt the other night.. How i still feel the remains of it all..

i wish that i didnapos;t have to wish, that things would somehow just be...

i donapos;t know.. I canapos;t even think straight lately..
everything seems like such a dream... Sometimes too perfect, sometimes too awful, yet all at the same time..

i donapos;t seem to have enough time for anything, time doesnapos;t exist anymore..
it just drifts away, without even passing by..

i donapos;t know.. It all seems so confusing lately.. I donapos;t want to think about anything at all, yet i canapos;t avoid it..
ball ink mania slingers tattoo, ball ink pen, ball ink pen point, ball ink pen remover.

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